A sharing of experiences, tales and rants of the path leading up to and including my 6th startup company (the Rubicon Project). 6 startups = $1BN+ market value including 1 IPO, 2 acquisitions, 1 failure, millions in venture capital $, hundreds of employees in cities worldwide and the building of my latest venture, the Rubicon Project - one of the fastest growing advertising companies in history.

Creating a Culture of Innovation: Cultural Values

By Frank Addante

I did this video interview for Dog and Pony (below) about Creating a Culture of Innovation. Many of the viewers asked that I share our list of Cultural Values here at the Rubicon Project. So, here they are...

the Rubicon Project Cultural Values


We invest our thinking and resources into change that will propel the industry and this company forward.

Knowledge is powerful. Transparency keeps us honest. We believe in the highest level of transparency possible with our team, investors and customers.

Active Communication:
Communication makes or breaks relationships. We will devote time and effort to make communication a priority.

While we enjoy winning, we will not let our success get to our head.

Team development is top priority for us. We hold in each other in high regard and have zero tolerance for disrespectful behavior.

We consider ourselves to be fortunate and believe in paying it forward to those in need.

We are driven to win and are highly competitive; externally not internally.

Personal pride in our work is the number one criteria for our team members.

We go fast but don’t hurry.

Do More with Less:
Constantly find ways to do twice as much with half as much time, money and resources.

Mistakes are OK:
If we aren’t making mistakes, we aren’t moving fast enough. Making mistakes is key to innovating and learning.

We will celebrate our wins together, big and small.

For more about the Rubicon Project culture - visit our culture blog.

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